
Bioacoustics for monitoring northern spotted owls

Northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) are federally listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and have been at the forefront of forest management and conservation policy in the Pacific Northwest for decades. Recently, monitoring of northern spotted owls transitioned from mark-resight surveys to a passive acoustic monitoring framework using autonomous recording units (ARUs) to detect owls by their vocalizations.

This work is supported by the Pacific Northwest Bioacoustics Lab at the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.

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  1. EcoInd
    Long-term monitoring in transition: Resolving spatial mismatch and integrating multistate occupancy data
    Matthew J Weldy, Damon B Lesmeister, Charles B Yackulic, Cara L Appel, Chris McCafferty, and J David Wiens
    Ecological Indicators, 2023
  2. Ecosphere
    Using passive acoustic monitoring to estimate northern spotted owl landscape use and pair occupancy
    Cara L Appel, Damon B Lesmeister, Adam Duarte, Raymond J Davis, Matthew J Weldy, and Taal Levi
    Ecosphere, 2023


  1. EcolInd
    Workflow and convolutional neural network for automated identification of animal sounds
    Zachary J Ruff, Damon B Lesmeister, Cara L Appel, and Christopher M Sullivan
    Ecological Indicators, 2021
  2. USFS
    Simulating the effort necessary to detect changes in northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations using passive acoustic monitoring
    Damon B Lesmeister, Cara L Appel, Raymond J Davis, Charles B Yackulic, and Zachary J Ruff